Joseph F Standingi veebiloeng kliiniliste ja laboratoorsete andmete kasutamisest teadusuuringutes ja kliinilises juhtimises

JP Hion

30. juunil kell 14 annab professor Joseph F Standingi veebiloengu kliiniliste ja laboratoorsete andmete kasutamisest teadusuuringutes ja kliinilises juhtimises.

Seminari pealkiri on "Digital Research, Informatics and Virtual Environments - Pharmacometric models from GOSH EHR (2010–2022)".

Lühikirjeldus: In this talk I will give an overview of how electronic health records (EHR) have evolved at our institute (Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children) in recent years, and how we have used these real world data to study medicines in children. The examples will be mainly drawn from paediatric Infectious Diseases and Immunology, but the principles are much more widely applicable.

Seminar toimub MS Teamsis.

Professor of Pharmacometrics, GOS Institute of Child Health, University College London

Honorary Research Pharmacist, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children

Honorary Senior Lecturer, St George's University of London

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