Kopsukliiniku doktoritööd

Kai Blöndal
Tuberculosis in Estonia with special emphasis on drug-resistant tuberculosis: Notification rate, disease recurrence and mortality
Juhendajad: Alan Altraja, Mati Rahu

Kai Kliiman
Highly drug-resistant tuberculosis in Estonia: risk factors and predictors of poor treatment outcome
Juhendaja: Alan Altraja

Lea Pehme
Epidemiology of Tuberculosis in Estonia in 1991-2000 with Special Regard to Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis and Diagnostic delay in Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Juhendajad: Alan Altraja, Mati Rahu

Kaiu Prikk
Development and progression of tissue injury in chronic airway inflammatory diseases with special respect to matrix metalloproteinases, Helsinki Ülikool
Juhendajad: Ruth Sepper, Timo Sorsa, Päivi Maisi

Alan Altraja
New aspects of large airway remodeling in asthma and the effect of treatment with special regard to subepithelial basement membrane zone, Helsinki Ülikool
Juhendajad: Heinart Sillastu, L.A. Laitinen

Tanel Laisaar
Treatment of pleural empyema -- special reference to intrapleural therapy with streptokinase and surgical treatment modalities
Juhendaja: Lembit Roostar

Ruth Sepper

New approaches to pathogenesis of bronchiectasis with special respect to tissue injury, Helsinki Ülikool
Juhendajad: Yrjö T Konttinen, Timo Sorsa

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