Psühhiaatriakliiniku kaitstud doktoritööd

Liisa Leppik
Pealkiri: Alterations in metabolomic profile of lipids, amino acids and biogenic amines in the early course of schizophrenia spectrum disorders (Lipiidide, aminohapete ja biogeensete amiinide metaboloomilise profiili muutused skisofreenia spektri häirete varajases kulus)
Juhendajad: Liina Haring, Eero Vasar, Mihkel Zilmer

Roman Balõtšev
Pealkiri: Interaction between the immune and metabolic systems in different stages of schizophrenia spectrum disorders (Immuun- ja metaboolse süsteemi vastastikune mõju skisofreeniaspektri häire erinevates staadiumides)
Juhendajad: Liina Haring, Eero Vasar, Mihkel Zilmer, Kati Koido

Liina Haring
Cognitive functioning after first psychotic episode
Juhendajad: René Mõttus, Eduard Maron, Aleksander Žarkovski

Innar Tõru
Serotonergic modulation of CCK-4-induced panic
Juhendajad: Veiko Vasar, Eduard Maron, Jakov Šlik

Triin Eller
Immune markers in major depression and in antidepressive treatment
Juhendajad: Veiko Vasar, Jakov Šlik, Eduard Maron

Sven Janno
Assessment of neuroleptic-induced movement disorders in a naturalistic schizophrenia population, Helsingi Ülikool
Juhendajad: Matti Holi, Kristian Wahlbeck

Eduard Maron
Serotonin function in panic disorder: from clinical experiments to brain imaging and genetics
Juhendajad: Aavo Lang, Veiko Vasar, Jakov Šlik

Marlit Veldi
Obstructive sleep apnoea: computerized endopharyngeal myotonometry of the soft palate and lingual musculature
Juhendaja: Veiko Vasar

Jakov Šlik
Psychophysiological effects of cholecyctokinin in humans
Juhendaja: Veiko Vasar

Sergei Pakriev
Prevalence of depression, harmful use of alcohol and alcohol dependence among rural population in Udmurtia
Juhendaja: Veiko Vasar

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