Edgar Lipping
Postoperative antibacterial therapy in complicated appendicitis and appendectomy in pregnancy
(Operatsioonijärgne antibakteriaalne ravi komplitseeritud apenditsiidi korral ja apendektoomia rasedatel)
Juhendajad: Peep Talving, Urmas Lepner, Sten Saar
Triinu Keskpaik
Quality Indicators and Non-Ischemic Myocardial Injury in Emergency Medicine
(Kvaliteediindikaatorid ja südamelihase mitte-isheemiline kahjustus erakorralises meditsiinis)
Juhendajad: Joel Starkopf, Peep Talving
Stanislav Tjagur
Mycoplasma genitalium and other sexually transmitted infections causing urethritis – their prevalence, impact on male fertility parameters and prostate health
Juhendajad: Margus Punab, Reet Mändar
Jaanus Suumann
Gastric biomarkers and their dynamics as a less invasive method to evaluate stomach health in bariatric surgery patients
Juhendajad: Toomas Sillakivi, Ants Peetsalu
Linda Sõber
Impact of thyroid disease and surgery on patient’s quality of voice and swallowing
(Kilpnäärmehaiguste ja kirurgilise ravi mõju patsiendi hääle- ja neelamiskvaliteedile)
Juhendajad: Urmas Lepner, Priit Kasenõmm
Marko Murruste
Short- and long-term outcomes of surgical management of chronic pancreatitis
Juhendajad: Urmas Lepner, Peep Talving
Jüri Lieberg
Results of surgical treatment and role of biomarkers in pathogenesis and risk prediction in patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm and peripheral artery disease
Juhendaja: Jaak Kals
Sten Saar
Epidemiology of severe injuries in Estonia
Juhendajad: Peep Talving, Urmas Lepner
Teele Kasepalu
Effects of remote ischaemic preconditioning on organ damage and acylcarnitines’ metabolism in vascular surgery
Juhendajad: Jaak Kals, Urmas Lepner, Mihkel Zilmer, Joel Starkopf
Ceith Nikkolo
Impact of different mesh parameters on chronic pain and foreign body feeling after open inguinal hernia repair
Juhendaja: Urmas Lepner
Kristo Ausmees
Reproductive function in middle-aged males: Associations with prostate, lifestyle and couple infertility status
Juhendaja: Margus Punab, Reet Mändar
Marju Puurand
Oxidative phosphorylation in different diseases of gastric mucosa
Juhendajad: Enn Seppet, Ants Peetsalu
Jaanus Kahu
Kidney transplantation: Studies on donor risk factors and mycophenolate mofetil
Juhendajad: Ants Peetsalu, Kaija Salmela
Margus Punab
Male fertility and its risk factors in Estonia
Juhendaja: Ants Peetsalu
Margot Peetsalu
Longterm follow-up after vagotomy in duodenal ulcer disease: recurrent ulcer, changes in the function, morphology and Helicobacter pylori colonisation of the gastric mucosa
Juhendaja: Ants Peetsalu
Toomas Sillakivi
Perforated peptic ulcer in Estonia: epidemiology, risk factors and relations with Helicobacter pylori
Juhendajad: Ants Peetsalu, Marika Mikelsaar
Jaan Soplepmann
Peptic ulcer haemorrhage in Estonia: epidemiology, prognostic factors, treatment and outcome
Juhendaja: Ants Peetsalu
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