Karl Kuusik
Effects of remote ischaemic preconditioning on arterial stiffness, organ damage and metabolomic profile in patients with lower extremity artery disease
(Kaugisheemilise eelkohastamise mõju arterite jäikusele, organkahjustusele ja metaboolsele profiilile alajäsemete arterite ateroskleroosiga patsientidel)
Juhendajad: Jaak Kals, Jaan Eha, Mihkel Zilmer
Priit Pauklin
Hemodynamic and Biochemical Characteristics of Patients with Atrial Fibrillation and Anticoagulation of ≥65-year-old Patients with Atrial Fibrillation in Estonia
(Kodade virvendusarütmiaga patsientide hemodünaamiline ja biokeemiline profiil ning ≥65 aastaste kodade virvendusarütmiaga patsientide antikoagulantravi Eestis)
Juhendajad: Priit Kampus, Jaan Eha
Aet Elken
Acute myocardial infarction in Estonia 2001-2014: towards risk-based prevention and management
Äge müokardiinfarkt Eestis 2001-2014: suund riskipõhisele ennetusele ja ravile
Juhendajad: Jaan Eha, Krista Fischer, Toomas Marandi, Tiia Ainla
Kaido Paapstel
Kontrastaine-nefropaatia funktsionaalne ja metaboloomiline fenotüpiseerimine
Juhendajad: Jaak Kals, Mihkel Zilmer, Jaan Eha
Erik Salum
Beneficial effects of vitamin D and angiotensin II receptor blocker on arterial damage
Juhendajad: Mihkel Zilmer, Priit Kampus, Jaak Kals, Jaan Eha
Mai Blöndal
Changes in the baseline characteristics, management and outcomes of acute myocardial infarction in Estonia
Juhendajad: Jaan Eha, Tiia Ainla
Maksim Zagura
Biochemical, functional and structural profiling of arterial damage in atherosclerosis
Juhendajad: Mihkel Zilmer, Jaan Eha, Jaak Kals
Martin Serg
Therapeutic aspects of central haemodynamics, arterial stiffness and oxidative stress in hypertension
Juhendajad: Jaan Eha, Mihkel Zilmer, Priit Kampus
Priit Kampus
Impact of inflammation, oxidative stress and age on arterial stiffness and carotid artery intima-media thickness
Juhendajad: Rein Teesalu, Mihkel Zilmer
Jaak Kals
Endothelial function and arterial stiffness in patients with atherosclerosis and in healthy subjects. A clinical and biochemical study
Juhendajad: Mihkel Zilmer, Andres Pulges
Arno Ruusalepp
Signal transduction in restenosis and myocardial protection by hyperoxia, Stockholmi Karolinska Instituut
Piibe Muda
HOMOCYSTEINE AND HYPERTENSION: Associations between homocysteine and essential hypertension in teated and untreated hypertensive patients with and without coronary artery disease
Juhendajad: Rein Teesalu, Mihkel Zilmer
Tiia Ainla
Acute myocardial infarction in Estonia: clinical characteristics, management and outcome
Juhendaja: Rein Teesalu
Tiina Ristimäe
Heart rate variability in patients with coronary artery disease
Rein Kolk
Atrial versus ventricular pacing in patients with sick sinus syndrome : a hemodynamic study with long-term follow-up