Südamekliiniku kaitstud doktoritööd

Priit Pauklin

Hemodynamic and Biochemical Characteristics of Patients with Atrial Fibrillation and Anticoagulation of ≥65-year-old Patients with Atrial Fibrillation in Estonia
(Kodade virvendusarütmiaga patsientide hemodünaamiline ja biokeemiline profiil ning ≥65 aastaste kodade virvendusarütmiaga patsientide antikoagulantravi Eestis)

Juhendajad: Priit Kampus, Jaan Eha

Aet Saar
Acute myocardial infarction in Estonia 2001–2014: towards risk based prevention and management 
Juhendajad: Jaan Eha, Tiia Ainla, Toomas Marandi, Krista Fischer

Kaido Paapstel

Kontrastaine-nefropaatia funktsionaalne ja metaboloomiline fenotüpiseerimine
Juhendajad: Jaak Kals, Mihkel Zilmer, Jaan Eha

Erik Salum

Beneficial effects of vitamin D and angiotensin II receptor blocker on arterial damage  
Juhendajad: Mihkel Zilmer, Priit Kampus, Jaak Kals, Jaan Eha

Mai Blöndal

Changes in the baseline characteristics, management and outcomes of acute myocardial infarction in Estonia
Juhendajad: Jaan Eha, Tiia Ainla

Maksim Zagura
Biochemical, functional and structural profiling of arterial damage in atherosclerosis
Juhendajad: Mihkel Zilmer, Jaan Eha, Jaak Kals

Martin Serg
Therapeutic aspects of central haemodynamics, arterial stiffness and oxidative stress in hypertension
Juhendajad: Jaan Eha, Mihkel Zilmer, Priit Kampus

Priit Kampus

Impact of inflammation, oxidative stress and age on arterial stiffness and carotid artery intima-media thickness
Juhendajad: Rein Teesalu, Mihkel Zilmer

Jaak Kals
Endothelial function and arterial stiffness in patients with atherosclerosis and in healthy subjects. A clinical and biochemical study
Juhendajad: Mihkel Zilmer, Andres Pulges

Arno Ruusalepp

Signal transduction in restenosis and myocardial protection by hyperoxia, Stockholmi Karolinska Instituut

Piibe Muda

HOMOCYSTEINE AND HYPERTENSION: Associations between homocysteine and essential hypertension in teated and untreated hypertensive patients with and without coronary artery disease
Juhendajad: Rein Teesalu, Mihkel Zilmer

Tiia Ainla
Acute myocardial infarction in Estonia: clinical characteristics, management and outcome
Juhendaja: Rein Teesalu

Tiina Ristimäe

Heart rate variability in patients with coronary artery disease

Rein Kolk

Atrial versus ventricular pacing in patients with sick sinus syndrome : a hemodynamic study with long-term follow-up