Topic: research

Tartu Science Night
As part of Brain Awareness week, visitors of all ages are welcomed to an evening of science at Biomeedikum on Friday, 17th March.
08. March 2023 researchfor society
University of Tartu's research award: holograms that help children overcome the fear of hospitals
Vabariigi aastapäeva eel kuulutas Tartu Ülikooli rektor Toomas Asser välja ülikooli 2022. aasta teadusteo, milleks on laste haiglahirmu vähendavad hologrammid.
23. February 2023 research
Research news: ethnic roots of Estonian peoples, problematic use of social networking sites, reducing the fear of pain, and a novel solution for wound treatment
The “Research news” section gives regular hints about interesting studies in various fields of research.
31. January 2023 research
Doctoral defence: Sanna Puusepp “Comparison of molecular genetics and morphological findings of childhood-onset neuromuscular disorders”
3. detsembril kell 14.00 kaitseb Sanna Puusepp doktoritööd „Comparison of molecular genetics and morphological findings of childhood-onset neuromuscular disorders”.
24. November 2022 researchfor society
Doctoral defence: Priya Kulkarni “Osteoarthritis pathogenesis: an immunological passage through synovium-synovial fluid axis”
27. oktoobril kell 15.00 kaitseb Priya Kulkarni doktoritööd „Osteoarthritis pathogenesis: an immunological passage through synovium-synovial fluid axis“.
29. September 2022 researchfor society
Toni Seppälä gives a lecture about precision medicine in gastrointestinal cancer
On 25th August Dr. Toni Seppälä gives a lecture "Precision medicine in gastrointestinal cancer".
03. August 2022 research
Doctoral defence: Heigo Reima “Colorectal cancer care and outcomes – evaluation and possibilities for improvement in Estonia”
26. augustil kell 12.00 kaitseb Heigo Reima doktoritöö „Colorectal cancer care and outcomes – evaluation and possibilities for improvement in Estonia"
13. July 2022 researchfor society
Joseph F Standing - Use of clinical and laboratory data for research and clinical management
30. juunil kell 14 annab professor Joseph F Standinig veebiseminari kliiniliste ja laboratoorsete andmete kasutamisest teadusuuringutes ja kliinilises juhtimises.
16. June 2022 research