Research of the Institute of Clinical Medicine

The academic staff of the Institute of Clinical Medicine is leading around 30 different scientific projects. The research is in tight connection with the research of other institutes of the Faculty of Medicine, especially the Institute of Biomedicine and Translational Medicine.

Here you may find the lead research areas of the Institute of Clinical Medicine.

Project's name: National Centre of Translational and Clinical Research (CTM)

The National Centre of Translational and Clinical Research (CTM) is a national research infrastructure formed by the University of Tartu, Estonian University of Life Sciences and Tartu University Hospital. The mission of the CTM is to ensure a high-level preclinical, veterinary and clinical health research in Estonia. The CTM is a professional partner for various interest groups (companies, state agencies, medical institutions, other organizations) in conducting scientific and implementation studies and offering solutions to the development needs of Estonian society. The infrastructure ensures the availability of research results to the public and advises stakeholders on science-based innovation in health research. Read more from ERIS and CTM web-page.

Period: 2021-2024
Contact: Professor Külli Kingo

Project's name: Oligogenic inheritance in genetic diseases

Period: 2022-2026
Contact: Associate Professor Sander Pajusalu

Project`s name: Multiomics approach in discovery of new rare diseases

Period: 2024-2028
Contact: Professor Katrin Õunap

Project's name: Peripheral nervous system involvement in Parkinson's disease

Period: 2020-2024
Contact: Professor Pille Taba

Project´s name: Clinical, Molecular and Genetic Profiling of Young-Onset Ischemic Stroke

Period: 2023-2027
Contact: Professor Janika Kõrv

Project`s name: Nutrition Screening

Period: 2021-2026
Contact: Visiting Professor Alastair Forbes

Project's name: The role of endometrium as a major factor affecting female fertility and pregnancy outcome

Period: 2021-2025
Contact: Professor Helle Karro

Project's name: Presentation of data based on the database of sexual assault centres to the public as digital infographics
The aim of the project is to develop a prototype of public data presentation on the basis of the existing database of sexual assault centres and, as a final solution, regularly updated and publicly available digital infographics.The main target groups are the general public, including potential victims of sexual violence; but also the public and private sectors, including the Ministry of Social Affairs, Justice and Home Affairs and their subdivisions (eg the Victim Support Department of the Social Insurance Board, children's homes, the Police and Border Guard Board), and representatives of the third sector.
Problem to be solved:
To help victims of sexual violence, sexual assault centres (SACs) have been established in health care institutions and a database has been created at the University of Tartu, where data on survivors and perpetrators of sexual violence, sexual crime, seeking help and services provided to victims are collected. At present, the problem is that this data is available in the database, but is not available to the public in a comprehensible and non-personalized form in order to raise awareness of the problem of sexual violence in society and access to help. Another problem is that public and private sector partners do not currently have a rapidly up-to-date and publicly accessible overview of referral and help services’ parameters on which to base needs- and research-based activities and cooperation in the public sector and to improve the quality of assistance to victims.

Project`s name: Cross-sectoral alliance as the key for innovation-driven business success of Estonian and Greek reproductive healthcare
Period: 2023-2026
Conact: Professor Andres Salumets

Project`s name: Innovative Training Network in Female Reproductive Care

Period: 2019-2024
Contact: Professor Andres Salumets

Project's name: Cardiovascular And MEtabolic Risk after Arthroplasty: the CAMERA study

Period: 2021-2024
Contact: Research Fellow Kaspar Tootsi

Project`s name: THOR-OI: Therapy toolbox for Osteogenesis Imperfecta

Period: 2021-2024
Contact: Research Fellow Lidiia Zhytnik

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