Toni Seppälä gives a lecture about precision medicine in gastrointestinal cancer


On 25th August Dr. Toni Seppälä gives a lecture "Precision medicine in gastrointestinal cancer".

Learning objective: To realise the clinical and translational potential of individualised cancer management utilizing patient-derived models and advanced cancer genomics. The talk will cover opportunities to provide targeted cancer care and prevention with examples in colorectal and pancreatic cancer, applicable to solid cancer types

Dr. Toni Seppälä graduated from medical school as licentiate of medicine in the University of Eastern Finland in 2010 and defended his PhD thesis in 2012. When working as surgery resident with professor Jukka-Pekka Mecklin’s mentorship he became interested in cancer research.

In 2019, he was appointed as associate professor at Uni. Helsinki and has worked as a colorectal surgeon.

In 2019–2021 Dr. Seppälä underwent a research fellowship at the department of Surgical Oncology in the Johns Hopkins University and Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center in Baltimore, MD, USA, under supervision of pancreatic surgeons Dr. Richard Burkhart and Dr. Christopher Wolfgang.

After returning to Helsinki, he started his own wet lab group at Uni. Helsinki affiliated to Applied Tumor Genomics Research Program.

In 2022, he was appointed as a tenure track professor of cancer research in University of Tampere.

He serves on the board of Directors of the European Hereditary Tumour Group, the scientific committee of the Prospective Lynch Syndrome Database, and as a Secretary of the Finnish Society of Surgery.

Dr. Seppälä has published over 90 articles, opinions, podcasts and interviews with >3000 citations, and raised over 2.2M euros of competed research funding.

The majority of Dr. Seppälä’s research have been from the field of hereditary cancer, and he is appreciated as an expert especially in Lynch Syndrome. His current interests in cancer research are in personalized medicine utilizing precision technologies in solid tumors such as genomics, patient-derived organoids and circulating plasma cell-free DNA.

Lecture will be held 8.10–9.00 am in Linkgberg auditorium (L. Puusepa 8).

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