On 3 October, the faculties’ electoral bodies elected new deans for the University of Tartu. The new Dean of the Faculty of Medicine is Külli Kingo who will assume office on 1 January 2024.
The voter turnout in the dean elections of the Faculty of Medicine was 77,78%. 156 electoral body members voted for Külli Kingo and 146 members elected another candidate Ruth Kalda.
Külli Kingo said that as dean one of her priorities is the people of the field, i.e. its employees and students. "Employees must be guaranteed a motivating work environment. Each employee must have the opportunity to contribute and be valued according to their strengths and motivation. Those who are strong in teaching must be able to teach, and those who are strong in science must be able to do science. It is important to stand together for the common interests of the field, and it is important to strengthen our affiliation," said Kingo.
Kingo added, one of her goals is for the field of medical sciences to be a strong influence in Estonian medical decision-making. “The medical field must be an advocate for evidence-based medicine at the national level. We must be the primary contact for ministries and national research-intensive innovation projects in their implementation."
Külli Kingo is Professor in Dermatology and Venereology and head of Department of Dermatology and Venerology. Right now she is also vice dean for research and member of senate.
Also The Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities Anti Selart, the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences Margit Keller and the Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology Leho Ainsaar will assume office on 1 January 2024.